Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Think of this as a garden growing a diversity of liberated thought and action. A garden that reflects a growing grassroots community. As a personal project, Seeds of Liberation was born out of my desire to learn and write of pathways and barriers to a free and just society. I've quickly learned that it is a twisted path, rich with moral ambiguity. It cannot be navigated alone. Indeed, I seek to dismantle and transform the myth of pure self-interest, unchecked by notions of collective good, as that pathway to and manifestation of a free society. I hope to reflect a communitarian ethic in Seeds of Liberation. If we are to prefigure the society we seek to create within our organizing, this cannot remain a personal project.

Do you work for the creation of a society free of all oppressions; a society of material simplicity that leaves time and energy for the intense joys of communion with family, friends, and strangers; a direct connection to the earth's ecosystems, unmediated by authority and middle-men; an ethic of equality paired with experiential diversity; a life of human scale in which all participate free of coercion. Do you yearn for it? You are invited to plant your seeds here. This is our garden.

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